Our temperature controlled enclosures with air conditioners, heaters, and thermostats are perfect for mounting fire-panels, DVRs or electronic equipment outside. Fan-cooled enclosures are also available.
Installation is important in extending the life of the enclosures. These air-conditioned enclosures and heated enclosures carry a NEMA rating. Therefore, they have exterior mounting brackets and come with punched holes to permit the installation of the AC and fan units, but have no other holes. Any holes an installer makes for power, etc. must be made with proper tools, deburred and water-tight fittings used. We also recommend coating the interior of the cut (the newly exposed metal) with Rust-Seal or another type of protection. In order to keep proper NEMA and UL ratings installers must also keep AC/Heater units upright at all times, and explicitly follow all OEM installation instructions. If you have questions about the NEMA or UL ratings, please give us a call.
Optional E-coating is available for added rust protection (call if interested). E-Coat has been around for many years, but really began to gain prominence with use in the automotive industry; one of the toughest environments there is. Our outdoor enclosures are exposed to all types of weather, including coastal areas where salt air takes a toll on anything metal. Upper U.S. and Canadian installations also have some challenging weather. Epoxy E-Coat offers protection against corrosion and has illustrated superior results in salt-spray and cycle-corrosion testing. A simple explanation of applying E-Coat calls for our enclosure to enter a bath and be fully submerged where a negative charge attracts positively-charged paint particles. The result is a high-performance thin and tough coating ideal for exterior durability with excellent corrosion resistance. Our standard application of outdoor powder coat paint is then applied over the E-Coat to complete a two-coat finish that offers long-term use.
Mier's Temperature Controlled Enclosures are designed to provide a degree of protection from rain, sleet, snow, ice, dirt, and dust. Mier offers NEMA 4X, NEMA 4, and NEMA 3R type indoor/outdoor enclosures. Mier recommends the air-conditioned and heated (ACHT) models for most applications. Fan-cooled (FC) models are available for applications where the temperature within the cabinet does not require air-conditioned cooling or heating, but only requires the internal air in the enclosures to be filtered and exchanged with the ambient air. It is solely up to the installer to determine their need.